It Was Just Heads It Won t Be Heads Again
Invitee Post by Kurt Schlichter
There's i thing you can always be certain of – no ane in our garbage elites sucks so much that they volition always accept to pay for information technology. Sure, yous might go cancelled if you inadvertently address some non-binary two-spirit femme-leaning otherkin as a not-binary two-spirit femme-curious otherkin or, if you get un-useful to the liberal machine, yous might get hounded into resignation for cavorting with liberal gals who understood exactly the kind of Dem men they were cozying up to. But if yous wreck a state, permit kids get molested or killed, or preside over America's greatest strategic loss and world-wide humiliation in a generation, it's your lucky epoch. You won't be punished; y'all'll exist praised.
And that's bad, because a culture that lacks accountability for those who presume to be its elite before long lacks civilization.
Gavin Hairstyle Newsom has presided over the Gilded State'south morph into a suppurating cesspool of hobo dung and crime – at least for the poors. Those things however aren't immune in the kind of Trader Joe's demographic neighborhoods inhabited by the sexually-frustrated vino moms who make up the voting base of operations that keeps sending these Dem tools like Newsom to Sacramento. They won't agree Newsom any more accountable than they exercise their screaming brats Ashleigh and Kaden in the frozen appurtenances aisle. No, Newsom is unchastened, and he will continue to screw up at what volition be, no incertitude, a much-increased velocity at present that dumb Californians have decided to give him a pass. And he'll be even worse at present that his ego is as swollen equally Nicki Minaj'due south brother's friend's scrotum.
A French Laundry toast to never having to say you lot're sorry – clink-clink!
And so in that location's that looming doofus James Comey. We all know how he covered up for his pal Hillary, then tried to undercut Trump, who mistakenly thought that beingness elected president meant he got to actually exist president. The FBI's reputation was no great shakes earlier Comey showed his pinched, sissy confront on the scene, but when he left the business firm Hoover built, it was a raging five-alarm fire of failure.
Recently, Congress probed the FBI near the scuzzbag Olympic team doctor who was probing the girls of the gymnastics team, which the FBI knew all most. The Agency did nothing – it apparently had more than pressing concern, like framing Trump people for making Democrats mad. Nor could the FBI be bothered to stop a variety of school and other shooters. When one of these atrocities goes down, you can exist certain of two things: the killer is non a Trump-loving Christian NRA member, and the FBI knew about him.
Hey Jimbo, how'due south that Las Vegas investigation going? Oh wait, yous're off making beaucoup bucks off your crappy tenure.
And and so at that place'due south Milley, the general who never met a state of war he didn't lose. Simply you know, even if he can't destroy the enemy, information technology doesn't mean there isn't enough he can destroy. With his ridiculous brown uniform, Army drag from back when we won wars, he's managed to destroy American civil-military relations, destroy America'southward reputation for being a military ability to be feared, and destroy the cohesion of the greatest military in homo history. He alternatively claims America'southward most perilous peril is the weather or whatsoever white rage is. Communist china?
Nah, they're pals. He didn't resign when he had to close Bagram and pull out our troops before pulling out the civilians. And now he'due south assuring his real bosses – the Chi Coms – that he'll give them a helpful heads-up if the balloon'due south about to go up. A sensible society would reward this buffoon with a short walk off a shorter plank, but what will happen to Mark Matoon Milley? We've already seen – high praise from blue checks, pinkos, and the rest of his aristocracy pals.
Accountability? Nah. How near accolades?
At present, you might wonder how a society tin function if the people at its heights are not held to account for screwing up. You might observe that unpunished failure breeds more failure, and that when it becomes clear that no one is getting fired or flogged for fouling things upwards, you will get more fouling up of things. And we have. What's the American establishment that works? Which one is good to become? Academia? Hollywood? The media? Name one that is not in the centre of lighting its credibility on burn with normal folks.
Just one.
It's easier in the short term this way, at least for our elite mandarins. They've made a admirer's agreement not to concur each other responsible for annihilation, and it's sort of working. Just it can't proceed forever. The collapse volition come. It can't not. Slowly, our institutions will teeter and crumble, and and then of a sudden they will collapse entirely. And the people who run them volition be surprised. Simply nosotros won't.
And then what happens in the chaos that will follow?
Well, those of usa with some actual skills volition probably be okay. Just what virtually those arrogant elitist jerks whose only skill is preening and preaching at their alleged lessers? What will they do?
They will find out about accountability the difficult way.
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